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Western Sydney University Nerdfighters

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Western Sydney University Nerdfighters


Hello Friend,


As part of our annual charity fundraising project we, the Western Sydney University Nerdfighters, have registered a team in the Colour Run, which will be held on Sunday 21 August in Centennial Park. This is the second part of our project (the first part being our 24 hour gaming marathon "Game Hard or Go Home" which is being held at Werrington South Campus on June 2-3).


We have chosen to support the Starlight Children’s Foundation in their mission to improve the lives of seriously ill children and their families. We feel very passionate about this cause and cannot wait to get started!


If you would like to help us out you can make a secure online donation via this go fundraise page or purchase a chocolate from one of our club members on campus. We would also really appreciate it if you could use your Facebook account to 'Like' and share our fundraising page. You can also leave a comment of support for our team members below.


If you are a club member and would like to get involved on the day please see our Facebook event page here


For more information about the Colour Run please see their FAQs website which can be found here


Thank you for your support and DFTBA (don’t forget to be awesome),

The Western Sydney University Nerdfighters

(Please note that this page may appear in the name of "Emma Del Dot", this is our club President and she is organising this page, if you have any questions please email Emma at

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Starlight Children's Foundation

The Starlight Children’s Foundation transforms the experience of hospitalisation and treatment for seriously ill children and their families - Starlight  is the only children’s charity with a permanent, physical presence in every major paediatric hospital in the country.

Every minute of every day a child is admitted to hospital in Australia. For thousands of these children what happens next is the diagnosis of a serious or chronic illness that changes their life, and the lives of their families, forever.

This is where Starlight steps in - delivering a range of innovative programs, built on the World Health Organisation’s social model of health, to support the well-being and resilience of these seriously ill children and their families.

Starlight programs are integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while the health professionals focus on treating the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child - giving them the opportunity to laugh and play and be a child again.

For more information on Starlight, visit or call 1300 727 827.

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